If you are a professional, a name card is one of the necessities that you absolutely must-have. If you are in a hurry to get them, then you can definitely consider going for an express name card printing service that can print you a new stack of name cards much quicker than the regular service. Although it costs a lot, it is worth it. However, of course, it needs a design first so that the shop can know what to print. Other than that, you should also make some printing decisions that can determine the final quality of the name card that you will get.

1. Name Card Paper Stock

Choosing the right paper stock can make your name card design look a lot better. Some paper stocks have different texture and color, so you can explore with the available choices. There’s no actual “right” paper stock, but you have to make sure that the paper stock that you choose also matches the finishes that you want to get for your name card. Some types of papers are not compatible with some types of finishes due to their weight or other characteristics, so make sure you first ask the printing shop if it is available to be used the way you want.

2. Card Shape and Size

Technology these days allows you to create a name card with any shape in any size. The most common size and shape for a name card are 3.5 inches by 2 inches, but if you want to make it bigger and trim the edges to make a unique shape instead of a rectangle, then you can do it as long as its proper. This option is available for express printing service as well. Though since you are in a hurry, it is better to just keep the design simple to avoid any mistake.

3. Printing Quantity

Making an order to a printing shop means that you have to state the amount of name card you want. Usually, the more you print, the cheaper the price for each name card gets. So in the end, you will get a lower price per card if you order a large quantity. This is a good strategy to save up money. It is all right to make a lot of name cards at once, since it has a long shelf life anyway and you will be able to get it at a cheaper price.

4. Printing Service

If you want to get high quality name cards, after making sure that your design is great and compatible for it, then you definitely have to find a printing service or a printing shop that is reputable and experienced. Express printing requires skill and experience so that there won’t be any mistakes. Before you settle on a printing service, it is best to first ask them of their past works and see if they are able to meet your expectations of quality so that you won’t get disappointed in the end.